Notice of introduction of au PAY payment
From a regular basismofusand mofumofuThank you very much for your patronage of the Market. In ord...
Notice regarding LINE Pay service termination and system maintenance
From a regular basismofusand mofumofuThank you very much for your patronage of the Market.
平素よりmofusand もふもふマーケットをご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。
[Important] Be careful of suspicious emails that pretend to be us
From the beginningmofusand mofumofuThank you for using the market.Recently, an unauthorized email...
Payment system (PayPay) Notice of maintenance (January 20 AM1: 30-5: 00)
From the beginningmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following schedule, ...
About privacy policy revision
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
This timemofumofuTh...
Payment system (PayPay, LINE Pay) Maintenance notices
From the beginningmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following schedule, ...
Notice of year -end and New Year holidays
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
We will inform you ...
[Important] Notice of the revision of the Terms of Service
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
This time, we will ...
Notice of introduction of Global-E service
From the beginningmofusand mofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.This store has intr...
System maintenance news
From the beginningmofusand mofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following s...
Notice of the end of the provision of the overseas delivery agency service "WORLDSHOPPPING"
From the beginningmofusand mofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. This time, we will...
About delivery of luggage due to typhoon
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Currently, Typhoon ...
Notice of summer holidays
everytimemofusandmofumofuThank you for using the market.We will take a day off because of the sum...
System maintenance news
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following sc...
Notice of payment system (PayPay) maintenance
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following sc...
Notice about Golden Week holidays
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. We will inform you ...
[Important] Regarding response to unauthorized orders
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In recent years, th...
Request for confirmation of delivery address
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.In recent years, the...
About delivery of luggage due to the effects of snowfall in Kanto Koshin
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Due to the low pre...
Notice of suspension / delivery delay in some regions due to the impact of the Noto Peninsula earthquake
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Currently, due to t...
Notice of year -end and New Year holidays
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.We will inform you a...
Notice of recovery and delivery delay at the shipping company
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Due to the equipmen...
Notice of suspension / delivery delay in some areas due to equipment failure at a shipping company and airmail and boat -in operation
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Currently, the deli...
Notice of adding e -gift function
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. In our shop, we hav...
[Notice of Mel Pay Payment Pause] Be careful of illegal payments with refunds of external services.
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. Recently, there has...
Notice of JCB / Apple Pay payment introduction
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. This time, we have ...
Notice of price revision of some products
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Due to the manufa...
About privacy policy revision
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
This timemofusandmo...
Notice of suspension / delivery delay in some areas due to typhoons
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
Currently, due to t...
Notice of payment system (LINE Pay) maintenance
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following sc...
Information on the start of fare collection when changing delivery address (transfer) by Yamato Transport
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market. We will inform you ...
「mofusand Notification and apology for the incorrect notation of "hand cream 1P"
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.This time, it was di...
Notice of payment system (PayPay) maintenance
From the beginningmofusandmofumofuThank you for your patronage of the market.
In the following sc...